Building Your Resilience (Part 3 of 4)
Build Your Resilience (Part 3 of 4) Learn Coping Skills Develop coping skills during COVID-19 is something everyone can do to help us better adapt to the emotional ups and downs we are experiencing. Here are some helpful coping strategies. Deep Breathing: Deep breathing can...
Build Your Resilience (Part 2 of 4)
Build Your Resilience (Part 2 of 4) Focus on Physical Wellness Physical wellness plays an important role in building resilience. Stress can weaken your immune system making you more susceptible to illness. This can negatively affect your emotional state causing you to feel overwhelmed, worried...
Building Your Resilience (Part 1 of 4)
Build Your Resilience (Part 1 of 4) As isolation and disruption to normal daily routines continues during this pandemic, you can expect shifting emotions, feelings of irritability, frustration, disconnection and other signs of stress and anxiety. There is no easy way through this, but building...